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NT Slider Horsehair Hatband

[ Braided Hatband Designs | Hitched Hatband Designs | Braided Hatband Patterns | Hitched Patterns ]


An exciting, innovative addition to our hatband offering:

The NT Slider Band


A break from the traditional double or single tassel, this newest style from Colorado Horsehair comes with no tassel for a cleaner, classic, 'no frills' look.  Available in all of our traditional colors plus our new patterns as well.  Featured here is our new model 1000 NT5, a 5 braid band with a mixed center and rich brown edging and knots - especially developed for summer straws, palm leafs and banded brims.  

Then look at our model 101G - a version of our classic black and white hat band but made from black and rich grey - less stark, classier and more subtle addition to your favorite black or grey felts.  You'll love 'em.

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